Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Dream

Just looking back the past, I had this dream of mine that I could not forget. Yeah, I dream a lot.I mean, literally, I have so many unusual dreams and I want to share one of them.

I was dreaming about "heaven". Though I was not thinking a lot about heaven, but one night, I had this dream that I visited heaven. Yeah, sounds interesting for me and I am happy that I was there.(nobody wants to be in hell :)) During the dream, I was excited thinking what I would see there...but... what I saw was a " half-finish heaven" But how? I can say that it was half finish because the  whole building was painted half only. So, while I was dreaming; I was assuming that heaven was not yet finish or ready.

But actually, in my dream, I was not really inside the heaven. I was only outside the gate and I was looking heaven from that gate. And what caught my attention... was the PLANTS...They were so unusual and so beautiful. I mean, the flowers...You know the colors are so different from the colors here in earth. I mean, once there's a plant, the whole plant will have the same color...

Confuse? Again... the colors of the whole plant is just the same. The color that I could not forget is the blue color...something like blue-violet...Beautifully blue. The stem, leaves, fruit, even roots, everything about it is blue. And the rest of the plants have different colors but the same with one plant.

Even myself, found it very unsual. So, when I was awaken, I was still thinking about my dream. And I said to myself, I wish that was so real that I was there. :) Yeah the buildingwas also magnificent...but the flowers were unforgetable.

But that was a dream... but that dream somehow changed my life too. Sometimes, I'm thinking: how I wish I could be there... Yeah, I am trying to be there...everyday, every hour, and every second. That's why I need Him for me not to forget about Him... everyday is a new battle about what is good and bad. So, asking His guidance and surrendering my whole self is a great help. Yes I'm only human; but with Him I will be shielded. Hope my dream can a touch a glimpse of your day... :)

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